Senior Management

M. Magunje CA (Z)


Mr. Magunje is a member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) and Public Accountants and Auditors Board in Zimbabwe (PAAB). He has over ten years of experience in external audit, accounting and business advisory. Mutsa served his articles of clerkship with BDO Zimbabwe. He went to work in managerial capacities with big four firms in Southern Africa, Europe and Asia. He has experience in auditing organisations of varied sizes and industries among them multinationals, banks, private equity, investment funds, public and private companies, manufacturing, agricultural, retail, mining, real estate, schools and universities, clearing agents, insurance and non-governmental or donor-funded entities.

Brian Nzombe AA (Z)


Brian is an Articled Accountant Zimbabwe (AAZ) and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ). He has vast experience in the auditing and accounting profession gained during the past fifteen (15) years, thirteen (13) of which were spent with BDO Zimbabwe Chartered Accountants. Brian joined BDO Zimbabwe (then BDO Kudenga and Co) in 2006 as an articled clerk. He rose through the ranks to become one of the Senior Audit Managers by the time he left BDO Zimbabwe in January 2019. Brian was appointed a Partner of Kudos LAM Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) in 2019.

Lenos Mbanje CA (Z);


Lenos is a member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) and Public Accountants and Auditors Board (Zimbabwe)-PAAB. He served his articles of clerkship with BDO Zimbabwe and qualified as a chartered accountant in 2013. During his CA Examinations, Lenos was in the national top ten twice. Lenos has a professional experience spreading over a period of ten years. He has worked in Zimbabwe and Liberia providing accounting, external auditing, internal auditing, taxation, forensic investigations and other advisory services.

Sectors we serve

Kudos LAM Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) provides services in a wide range of sectors, including the following.

-Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Financial services
-Medical and healthcare
-Manufacturing and distribution
-Not-for-Profit Organisations (NPOs)
-Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
-Donor Funded Organisations (DFOs)
-Mining, Energy and Agriculture
-Insurance, Pensions and Trust funds
-Printing, Print media and Publishing (PPMP)

-Transport and logistics
-Consumer business (Retail)
-Gaming, Hospitality and Leisure
-Professional practices
-Clubs and associations
-Real estate and construction
-Educational and tertiary institutions
-Public sector and State-Owned Enterprises
-Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT)