Kudos LAM offers an accounting service that essentially becomes your back-office. It provides a comprehensive range of services you can choose from to match your specific requirements. Smaller businesses have access to reasonably priced services of a team of dedicated and skilled specialists that would be otherwise unaffordable, while larger organisations can make savings by allowing us to act as their back office.
In both cases, clients can review their records or check progress at any time, no matter where they are. Your information is kept secure and confidential as it is accessible only to you and Kudos LAM. Clients have an option to choose either our desktop-based or cloud-based accounting systems. Our tailored services we outsource at Kudos LAM for our clients include
The result is cost-effective service that provides efficiency and complete accessibility.
Kudos Kudos Kudos LAM Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) provides services in a wide range of sectors, including the following.
-Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Financial services
-Medical and healthcare
-Manufacturing and distribution
-Not-for-Profit Organisations (NPOs)
-Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
-Donor Funded Organisations (DFOs)
-Mining, Energy and Agriculture
-Insurance, Pensions and Trust funds
-Printing, Print media and Publishing (PPMP)
-Transport and logistics
-Consumer business (Retail)
-Gaming, Hospitality and Leisure
-Professional practices
-Clubs and associations
-Real estate and construction
-Educational and tertiary institutions
-Public sector and State-Owned Enterprises
-Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT)