Our team of dedicated and highly skilled forensic auditors and accountants conduct thorough forensic audits and investigations whatever the complexity of the issue or industries involved. Whether it is investigating fraud, accounting gaps, regulatory breaches, employee misconduct or other financial crime, we build multi-disciplinary teams tailored to the requirements of the assignment. When litigation, fraud, financial irregularities, disputes or economic crime rear their ugly heads, Kudos LAM is widely known for the promptness, thoroughness and effectiveness of its work.
Coupled with industry thought leaders and expert witnesses, we bring a deep understanding of the complexities of data, technology, business operations and evidentiary procedure to every engagement. Our certified forensic accountants provide the full range of forensic accounting and litigation support, including
Kudos LAM Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) provides services in a wide range of sectors, including the following.
-Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Financial services
-Medical and healthcare
-Manufacturing and distribution
-Not-for-Profit Organisations (NPOs)
-Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
-Donor Funded Organisations (DFOs)
-Mining, Energy and Agriculture
-Insurance, Pensions and Trust funds
-Printing, Print media and Publishing (PPMP)
-Transport and logistics
-Consumer business (Retail)
-Gaming, Hospitality and Leisure
-Professional practices
-Clubs and associations
-Real estate and construction
-Educational and tertiary institutions
-Public sector and State-Owned Enterprises
-Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT)